

全自动体系构建与核酸提取纯化分析仪货号: 品牌:凯杰 资料: 金山科研平台

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全自动体系构建与核酸提取纯化分析仪,For automated, high throughh3utDNA h3reh3 from FFh3E tissue samh3les

  • Rapid purification of high-quality, ready-to-use DNA for use in research applications
  • Enzymatic removal of cytosine deamination artifacts for FFPE samples
  • Automation on the QIAsymphony Sample Preparation
  • Outstanding results in DNA sequencingapplications
With the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit, in combination with the QIAsymphony GeneRead DNA FFPE Treatment Kitand QIAsymphony SP, it is possible to fully automate DNA extractionfrom up to 96 FFPE samples in parallel.Enzymatic removal of cytosine deamination artifacts from FFPE samples in combination with optimized protocols provide high yields of pure DNA, suita 金山科研平台独家代理 产品详情请联系微信:jinshanbio
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