现货促销55K Peptide Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-55K-O),55K肽库构建


品牌: biomics 公司: 百奥迈科生物技术有限公司

货号: CPLVPL-55K-P 保存条件: -20℃ 供应商: Biomics Biotech 数量: 大量 英文名: 55K Peptide Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-55K-O) 保质期: 请咨询 规格: > 200 ug


美国Cellecta公司成立于2006年4月,是一家以小核酸为平台进行药靶筛选的技术服务公司,美国众多知名药厂为其客户。Biomics Biotech作为其在中国独家代理,我们将一如既往地为您提供最优质的服务。Cellecta Part Services List:

  Quantity ProvidedShipping temperatureStorage TemperatureLead TimeCustom shRNA Libraries     CPLVSHL-6K-O6.5K shRNA Library Design and Synthesisnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-6KM-ODesign and Synthesis of Multiple 1.5K shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K poolnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-6K-P6.5K shRNA Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-6Kd4-PConstruction of Four 1.5K shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-6Kd3-PConstruction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-6Kd2-PConstruction of Two 3K shRNA Libraries from One 6.5K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-6KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-13K-O13K shRNA Library Design and Synthesisnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-13KM-ODesign and Synthesis of Multiple shRNA Libraries from one 13K poolnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-13K-P13K shRNA Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-13Kd4-PConstruction of Four shRNA Libraries from One 13K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-13Kd3-PConstruction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 13K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-13Kd2-PConstruction of Two shRNA Libraries from One 13K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-13KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-27K-O27K shRNA Library Design and Synthesisnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-27KM-ODesign and Synthesis of Multiple shRNA Libraries from one 27K poolnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-27K-P27K shRNA Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-27Kd4-PConstruction of Four shRNA Libraries from One 27K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-27Kd3-PConstruction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 27K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-27Kd2-PConstruction of Two shRNA Libraries from One 27K oligo pool. (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-27KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-55K-O55K shRNA Library Design and Synthesisnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-55KM-ODesign and Synthesis of Multiple shRNA Libraries from one 55K poolnoneblue or dry ice-20℃naCPLVSHL-55K-P55K shRNA Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVSHL-55K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-55Kd4-PConstruction of Four shRNA Libraries from One 55K oligo pool. (order with Library Design and Synthesis for new libraries, CPLVSHL-55KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-55Kd3-PConstruction of Three shRNA Libraries from One 55K oligo pool. (order with Library Design and Synthesis for new libraries, CPLVSHL-55KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-55Kd2-PConstruction of Two shRNA Libraries from One 55K oligo pool. (order with Library Design and Synthesis for new libraries, CPLVSHL-55KM-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVSHL-DUAL-PCustom Combinatorial shRNA Library Made with Dual shRNA Expression Vector (up to 200 shRNAs)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCPLVO-CUST-PNon-Standard Custom Library Construction> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-14 weeksCustom Peptide Libraries     CPLVPL-6K-O6.5K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis> 5 pmolblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-6K-P6.5K Peptide Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-6K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-13K-O13K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis> 5 pmolblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-13K-P13K Peptide Library Construction (order with Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-13K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-27K-O27K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis> 5 pmolblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-27K-P27K Peptide Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-27K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-55K-O55K Peptide Library Design and Synthesis> 5 pmolblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksCPLVPL-55K-P55K Peptide Library Construction (must also order Library Synthesis, CPLVPL-55K-O)> 200 ugblue or dry ice-20℃10-12 weeksPackaging Service     CLVP-VSingle Construct Lentiviral Packaging Service (not custom construct)>10^7 TUdry ice-80℃2-4 weeksCLVP-VSLentiviral Packaging of Custom-Made shRNA Constructs (ordered with shRNA construction)>10^7 TUdry ice-80℃2-4 weeksCLVP-1108Lentiviral Packaging Service of single construct2 ml (1 x 10^8 ifu/ml)dry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeksCLVP-5108Lentiviral Packaging Service of single construct5x10^8TU (500 ul @ 10^9 ifu/ml)dry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeksCLVP-1109Lentiviral Packaging Service of single construct>1 x 10^9dry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeksCLVP-5E7Lentiviral Library Packaging, small scale (for libraries <6,500 constructs)> 5 x 10^7 ifudry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeksCLVP-1E8Lentiviral Library Packaging, 10^8 TU> 1 x 10^8 ifudry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeksCLVP-2E8Lentiviral Library Packaging, Standard> 2 x 10^8 ifudry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeksCLVP-LGLIBLentiviral Library Packaging, Large Scale> 1 x 10^9 ifudry ice-80℃3 – 5 weeks

若您需要更多产品及产品的详细说明、价格、货期等信息,请联系Cellecta中国独家代理:百奥迈科生物技术有限公司(Biomics Biotech)电话:4008513777 0513-85175207/5传真:0513-85175205订购E-mail:sales@biomics.cn技术支持E-mail:jane@biomics.cn网址:http://www.premirna.com/地址:江苏省南通经济技术开发区常兴路76号 温馨提示:不可用于临床治疗。


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