现货促销Total RNA Purification Kit (100)


品牌: newbornco 公司: 深圳市纽邦生物技术有限公司

货号: 37500 供应商: 纽邦科技 数量: 1 kit 英文名: Total RNA Purification Kit (100) 保质期: 详询 保存条件: RT 规格: 100 preps

This kit is suitable for the isolation of total RNA from a range of samples including cells, bacteria, yeast, virus and bodily fluids including plasma/serum, blood, saliva, CSF and more. Extract high quality and purity RNA with excellent RIN values and A260/A280 suitable for downstream applications including qRT-PCR, RT-PCR, microarrays, NGS and more.The kit purifies all sizes of RNA from large mRNA, lncRNA down to microRNA (miRNA) in the same fraction without the requirement of phenol. Isolate all RNA sequences at an equal rate irrespective of size. Moreover, when the RNA sequences are small (e.g. miRNA), the column binds small RNAs regardless of their GC content. 温馨提示:不可用于临床治疗。
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