现货促销Anti-h PCT clone 4001


品牌: newbornco 公司: 深圳市纽邦生物技术有限公司

货号: 100561 浓度: 5mg/ml 克隆性: 否 保存条件: 2-8℃ 形态: clear liquid 亚型: IgG1 免疫原: Procalcitonin 规格: 1mg

Procalcitonin (PCT) is a precursor protein of the hormone calcitonin, produced by the thyroid gland. It is a 116 amino acid protein that is cleaved intracellularly to form three peptides: N-terminal procalcitonin, calcitonin, and atacalcin. In healthy individuals, only the calcitonin polypeptide is secreted into the bloodstream, and PCT serum levels are very low. However, in patients with systemic infections, and especially sepsis, serum PCT levels rise rapidly.
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