1001 内皮细胞培养基ECM


内皮细胞培养基说明: 内皮细胞培养基是专门为正常人类微血管内皮细胞体外培养设计的*适于其生长的完全培养基。是经**的液体培养基,包含必需和非必需氨基酸、维生素、有机和无机化合物、**、生长因子、微量矿物质和低浓度胎牛血清(5%)。该培养基缓冲体系为重碳酸盐,在含5%CO2的细胞培养箱中平衡后pH值为7.4。该培养基的配方能够选择性的促进正常人类微血管内皮细胞体外培养中的增殖和生长,并为其达到*理想营养平衡状态。 内皮细胞培养基包含500 ml基础培养基,25mll胎牛血清(FBS, Cat. No. 0025) 、5ml 内皮细胞生长因子(ECGS, Cat. No. 1052 )、5 ml青霉素/链霉素溶液(P/S, Cat. No. 0503) 。 


Endothelial Cell Medium(ECM)

Catalog Number: 1001

Product Description

Endothelial cell medium (ECM) is a complete medium designed for optimal growth of normal human  microvascular endothelial  cells  in vitro.  It is a sterile, liquid medium  which  contains essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, organic and inorganic compounds, hormones, growth factors, trace minerals and a low concentration of fetal bovine serum (5%). The medium is bicarbonate buffered and has a pH of 7.4 when equilibrated in  an incubator with an atmosphere of 5% CO2/95% air. The medium is formulated (quantitatively and qualitatively) to provide a defined and optimally balanced nutritional environment that selectively promotes proliferation and growth of normal human microvascular endothelial cells in vitro.


ECM consists of 500 ml of basal medium, 25 ml of fetal bovine serum (FBS, Cat. No. 0025), 5 ml of  endothelial cell growth supplement (ECGS, Cat. No. 1052) and 5 ml of  penicillin/streptomycin solution (P/S, Cat. No. 0503). 

Product Use

ECM is for research use only.  It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.


Store the basal medium at 4℃, the ECGS, the FBS and the P/S solution at -20℃. Protect from light. 


Gel ice.

Prepare for use

Thaw  ECGS, FBS and P/S solution at 37℃.  Gently tilt the  ECGS tube several times during thawing  to help the contents dissolve.  Make sure the contents of the supplement are completely dissolved into solution before adding to the medium. Rinse the bottle and tubes with 70% ethanol, and then wipe to remove excess. Remove the cap, being careful not to touch the interior threads with fingers. Add ECGS, FBS and P/S solution into basal medium in a sterile field, mix well and then the reconstituted medium is ready for use. Since several components of this medium are light-labile, it is recommended that the medium not be exposed to light for lengthy periods of time. If the medium is warmed prior to use, do not exceed 37℃. When stored in the dark at 4℃, the reconstituted medium is stable for one month.


If handled improperly, some components of the medium may present a health hazard. Take appropriate precautions when handling it, including the wearing of protective clothing and eyewear. Dispose of properly.

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