Microbiologics MBL Enumerated Mycoplasma定量支原体 01158ME4等 授权代理


品牌:Microbiologics,简称MBL产品系列:Enumerated Mycoplasma 产品规格:0.5ml*5支/盒保存温度:-80℃产品来源:NCTC,小于等于15代产地:美国

Enumerated Mycoplasma 定量支原体

Microbiology的Enumerated Mycoplasma 产品简化了USP <63> / Ph. Eur. 2.6.7 中的手工计数支原体的过程,可以快速确认肉汤或琼脂培养基是否有支持支原体生长的能力,以及在接种物中检测出支原体的能力。 That the microorganism preparation is ≤15 passages from the reference culture 菌株代数小于等于15代


Ready-to-use format saves time and money Eliminates the 48 hours to 4 weeks of wait time prior to plating 在接种前不需要48小时至4周的培养 Delivers 10,000 – 99,000 CFU/ml (E4),菌含量为10的4次方级别 Strains are less than or equal to fifteen passages from reference culture to comply with USP <63>/Ph. Eur. 2.6.7 Traceability to reference cultures ensures authenticity OnlineCertificate of Analysisprovides detailed strain information Technical Supportexperts available for guidance Shipped frozen on dry ice 干冰运输 Stored in a -80ºC freezer -80℃保存 Product warranty

产品包装: Kit contains 5 cyrovials of 0.5 ml frozen suspension 一盒含有5支0.5ml的冷冻菌悬液

The frozen suspension consists of: • An enumerated microorganism population • SP4 Glucose Broth • PBS (phosphate buffered saline) • Glycerol



货号 产品名称 中文名
01156ME4 Acholeplasma laidlawii derived from NCTC 10116 莱氏无胆固醇支原体 NCTC 10116
01155ME4 Mycoplasma gallisepticum derived from NCTC 10115 鸡毒支原体 NCTC 10115
01178ME4 Mycoplasma hyorhinis derived from NCTC 10130 猪支原体 NCTC 10130
01158ME4 Mycoplasma orale derived from NCTC 10112 口腔支原体 NCTC 10112
01177ME4 Mycoplasma pneumoniae derived from NCTC 10119 肺炎支原体 NCTC 10119

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