罗氏ROCHE磷酸酶抑制剂PhosStop, 10 TabletsRohce 4906845001现货促销




PVDF Western Blotting Membrane Roche 3010040001 1 roll (30 cm x 3.00 m)

Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.SRoche 3115887001 1.25 ml

Genopure Plasmid Midi Kit Roche 3143414001 RT*1 kit (for up to 20 preparations)

罗氏ROCHE磷酸酶抑制剂PhosStop, 10 Tablets

Genopure Plasmid Maxi KitRoche 3143422001 RT*1 kit (for up to 10 preparations)

Terminal Transferase, recomb. Roche 3333574001 24,000 U (for 60 tailing or 3'-end labeling reactions)

Protector RNase Inhibitor, 10 Roche 3335402001 10,000 U (5 x 2,000 U) FR

DIG-11-UTP,LSg.,3,5mM,200nmol Roche 3359247910 200 nmol (3.5 mM, 57 ?l)

Proteinase K recombinant PCR Grade Roche 3508838103 100mg (2°to 8°)

cOmplete,EASYpack,20 Tab. Roche 4693116001 20 tablets (in foil blisters)

cOmplete,EDTA-free,EASYpack,20 Roche 4693132001 20 tablets (in foil blisters)

cOmplete,Mini,EDTA-free,EASYpa Roche 4693159001 30 tablets (in foil blisters)

LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master, 5 x 1 ml Roche 4707516001 5×100反应(20 μl) FR

FastStart PCR Master 10 mlRoche 4710444001 8 x 1.25 ml FR

LightCycler 480 Multiwell Plate 96 Roche 4729692001 5 x 10 块板 (含封板膜)

LightCycler 480 Multiwell Plate 384 Roche 4729749001 5 x 10 块板 (含封板膜)

Cytotoxicity Det.Kit PLUS (LDH Roche 4744926001 1 kit (400 tests in 96 wells)*FR

罗氏ROCHE磷酸酶抑制剂PhosStop, 10 Tablets

LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master, 10 x 5 ml Roche 4887352001 10×500反应(20 μl)*FR

Transcriptor cDNA Synth. Kit 1 Roche 4896866001 1 kit (100 reactions)*FR

Transcriptor cDNA Synth. Kit 2 Roche 4897030001 1 kit (200 reactions)*FR

PhosStop, 20 Tablets Roche 4906837001 20 tablets (each tablet for 10 ml)

PhosStop, 10 Tablets Roche 4906845001 10 tablets (each tablet for 10 ml)

FS Universal SYBR Green Master Roche 4913850001 4 x 1.25 ml (for 200 reactions of 50 ?l final reaction volume)

FastStart Universal Probe Mast Roche 4913949001 2 x 1.25 ml (for 100 reactions of 50 ?l final reaction volume)

FastStart Universal Probe Mast Roche 4914139001 EA

LightCycler Capillaries (20 ?l) Roche 4929292001 5x 96根/盒

Dispase II (neutral protease,Roche 4942078001 5 x 1 g CR

Cell Proliferation Reagent WST Roche 5015944001 8 ml

LightCycler 480 Multiwell Plate 384, clearRoche 5102430001 5 x 10 块板 (含封板膜)

E-Plate 16 (6x6 plates)Roche 5469813001 6x6 plates RT

E-Plate 16 (6 plates) Roche 5469830001 6 plates

cOmplete ULTRA Tablets, Mini, EDTA-free, EASYpack Roche 5892791001 30 tablets

cOmplete ULTRA Tablets, Mini, EASYpack Roche 5892970001 30 tablets

X-Tremegene Hp Dna Transf.Reag.Trial Roche 6365752001 trial pack

X-tremeGENE 9 DNA Transf. Reag. 1.0 ml Roche 6365787001 1.0 ml*CR

X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transf. Reag. 1.0 ml Roche 6366236001 1.0 ml

DNase I, Grade II Roche 10104159001100 mg

Pronase from Streptomyces gris Roche 101659210011 g (non-sterile) CR

DAPI Roche 1023627600110 mg RT

Polyethylene Glycol 1500 (PEG Roche 1078364100110 x 4 ml

Endoproteinase Lys-C Seq. Grad Roche 110478250013 x 5 ?g CR

Anti-digoxigenin AP-conjungate Roche 11093274910150 U (200 ?l)

Dig-RNA labeling kit 1St Roche 111750259101 kit (2 x 10 labeling reactions)

Anti-digoxigenin-fluorescein Roche 11207741910200 ?g

DIG-11-UTP Roche 11209256910250 nmol (10?mM, 25 ?l)

Protein G-AgaroseRoche 112432330015 ml

DIG RNA Labeling Mixture, 10xRoche 1127707391040 ?l (20 reactions)

Mycoplasma Detection Kit Roche 112967440011 kit (25 tests)

Nylon Membranes, 1 roll Roche 114172400011 roll (0.3 x 3 m)

PCR DIG labeling Mix 1pc Roche 11585550910500 ?l (2 x 250 ?l) (for 2 x 25?reactions of 100 ?l final reaction volume)

DIG High Prime Lab./Det.Kit II Roche 115856149101 kit (12 labeling reactions and 24 detection reactions)

DIG Wash and Block Buffer Set Roche 115857620011 set (30 blots)

DIG Easy-Hyb Roche 11603558001500 ml

PCR Dig Probe Synthesis 1pc Roche 116360909101 kit (25 reactions)

Cell Proliferation Reagent WST Roche 1164480700125 ml (2,500 tests)

Cell Proliferation ELISA,BrdU Roche 116472290011 kit (1,000 tests)

TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200 Roche 11667165001200 ml

NBT/BCIP Stock Solution Roche 116814510018 ml

In Situ Cell Death fluorescein Roche 116847959101 kit (50 tests)

In Situ Cell Death POD Roche 116848179101 kit (50 tests)

Fluorescein RNA Label.Mix 10x Roche 1168561991040 ?l (20 reactions)

Expand HiFi PCR Sys., 100 u Roche 11732641001100 U

Expand HiFi PCR Sys., 500 u Roche 11732650001500 U (2 x 250 U)

DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K Roche 117458329101 kit (12 labeling reactions and 24 detection reactions)

HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p Roche 117547770011 kit (50 purifications)

Cell Death Detection ELISA^PLU Roche 117744250011 kit (96 tests)

HP PCR Template Preparation KiRoche 117968280011 kit (100 purifications)

MINI QUICK SPIN RNA COLUMNSRoche 1181442700150 columns

Anti-GFP Roche 11814460001200 ?g

HP RNA Isolation Kit Roche 118286650011 kit (50 reactions)

b-Gal Staining SetRoche 118286730011 set (for 100 tests in 3.5-cm dishes)

Annexin V FLUOS Staining Kit Roche 118587770011 kit (50 tests)

Anti-HA High Affinity (3F10), Roche 1186742300150 ?g *CR

CDP-Star, ready-to-useRoche 120416770012 x 50 ml

In Situ Cell Death TMR Roche 121567929101 kit (50 tests)

Anti-HA-Biotin, High Affinity Roche 1215816700150 ?g CR

"Restr.-Endonucl. Sma I, 1000 U" Roche 102205660011,000 U (10 U/Ul)

"Restr.-Endonucl. Bam HI, 1000u " Roche 102206120011,000 U (10 U/Ul)

"Aprotinin, 10mg " Roche 1023662400110 mg

DNA Ligase, T4, 100units Roche 10481220001100 U (1 U/Ul)

"Restr.-Endonucl. Pst I, 3000 U " Roche 106216250013,000 U (10 U/Ul)

"Restr.-Endonucl. Hind III, 500U " Roche "10656313001 " 5,000 U (10 U/μl)




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