伯乐Bio-Rad代理10xTris/Glycine/SDS预混电泳缓冲液1610732161-0732 161-0772


伯乐Bio-Rad Aminex色谱柱、伯乐Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell电泳槽1658001、伯乐1658033、伯乐qPCR、ddPCR产品、基因枪及电穿孔仪、伯乐凝胶过滤层析填料等产品,授权伯乐代理,咨询微信:jinshanbio 伯乐代理金山科研平台


简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐10xTris/Glycine/SDS预混电泳缓冲液1610732,Pkg of 1, 1 L, 10x premixed electrophoresis buffer, contains 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 0.1% SDS, pH 8.3 following dilution to 1x with water.


Pkg of 1, 1 L, 10x premixed electrophoresis buffer, contains 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 0.1% SDS, pH 8.3 following dilution to 1x with water.

Use this premixed 10x Tris/glycine/SDS running buffer to separate protein samples by SDS-PAGE.

Ready to dilute — use distilled deionized waterReduced preparation time — no reagents to weigh or filterQuality-controlled reagent — guarantees reproducible results


1610798 1.5M Tris-HCl,pH8.8 分离胶Buffer 1L

1610799 0.5M Tris-HCl,pH6.8 浓缩胶Buffer 1L

1610737 Laemmli上样缓冲液 30ml

1610738 非变性电泳上样缓冲液 30ml

1610739 Tricine上样缓冲液 30ml

1610767 5×核酸上样缓冲液 10ml

1610732 10×Tris/甘氨酸/SDS缓冲液 1L

1610772 10×Tris/甘氨酸/SDS缓冲液 5L

1610734 10×Tris/甘氨酸缓冲液 1L

1610771 10×Tris/甘氨酸缓冲液 5L

1610744 10×Tris/Tricine/SDS缓冲液 1L

1610733 10×TBE 1L

1610770 10×TBE 5L

1610743 50×TAE 1L

1610783 1×PBS/1%干酪素 1L

1610782 1×TBS/1%干酪素 1L

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