Nuvia™ IMAC Resin, 25 ml 7800800


 Nuvia™ IMAC Resin, 25 ml 7800800

Nuvia IMAC Resin is a metal chelate affinity chromatography resin that contains nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) as the chelating ligand for di- or trivalent metal ions. The inert hydrophilic surface of the base bead and the chemical structure of NTA ensure highly selective binding of recombinant histidine-tagged proteins when charged with Ni2+, or with other transition metals such as Zn2+ or Cu2+. The optimized particle size and high porosity allows operation at increasingly higher flow rates without compromising binding capacity. Nuvia IMAC can be used at any scale from laboratory to manufacturing, providing robust, reproducible, and efficient purifications each time.

Nuvia IMAC Resin is stable in a broad range of chemicals. It is compatible with all reagents traditionally used for histidine-tagged protein purification, including reducing agents, detergents, denaturing agents, and additives.

Features and Benefits

Easy and efficient scale up from lab to manufacturing scale purifications

Chelating ligand nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) may be charged with transition metals such as Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+, or Zn2+

Optimized particle size for high flow rate and low backpressure

Superior dynamic binding capacity at high flow rates

Withstands repeated clean-in-place/recharging cycles

Robust recovery and reproducibility

Full regulatory support

Applications and Uses of Nuvia IMAC Resin

For purifying biomolecules in a variety of workflows:

Excellent single-step purity via affinity chromatography

Quick, efficient separation of biomolecules

Contaminant removal

Robust base matrix

Nuvia IMAC Resin is compatible with 8 M urea, 6 M guanidine HCl, 1 M NaOH, alcohol up to 20% (v/v), and with common detergents, salts, reducing agents, and all commonly used aqueous buffers.

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