pall玻璃纤维过滤膜Type A/E Glass Fiber Filter61664 61631现货促销


pall玻璃纤维过滤膜Type A/E Glass Fiber Filter


Type A/E meets the requirements for suspended solids testing, as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, current edition.在过滤难以过滤或高度污染的溶液时,可以减少过滤成本和过早堵塞。通过高容量预过滤器,延长过滤器寿命、减少zui终过滤器更换频率。消除样品污染。无粘合剂硼硅酸盐玻璃纤维无附加析出物。利用一系列可选过滤器厚度,过滤各类颗粒负载和粘稠溶液。

pall玻璃纤维过滤膜Type A/E Glass Fiber Filter


描述Type A/EType A/BType A/C
典型应用Water solids testing, airmonitoring, gravimetric analysisDiagnostic applications,sample prefiltrationCell harvesting, prefiltration, solids testing
Filter MediaBorosilicate glass without binderBorosilicate glass without binderBorosilicate glass without binder
Pore Size (Nominal)1 微米1 微米1 微米
Typical Thickness330 μm (13 mils)660 μm (26 mils)254 μm (10 mils)
Typical Water Flow RatemL/min/cm2 at 0.3 bar (30 kPa, 5 psi)250124153
Typical Air Flow RateL/min/cm2 at 0.7 bar (70 kPa, 10 psi)602440
Maximum Operating TemperatureAir - 550 °C (1,022 °F)Air - 550 °C (1,022 °F)Air - 550 °C (1,022 °F)
Typical Aerosol Retention*99.98%

描述Type A/DExtra Thick DiscsMetrigard? DiscsTCLP
Typical Applicationswith large-sized particulatePrefiltration of solutionscontaminated samplesPrefiltration of heavilyPrefiltration in systemswith high particulate matterU.S. EPA Method1311
Filter MediaBorosilicate glasswithout binderGlass fiber withacrylic binder**Ultrafine glass fiberwith acrylic binder**Borosilicate glasswithout binder***
Pore Size (Nominal)3 微米1 微米0.5 微米0.7 微米
Typical Thickness660 μm (26 mils)1270 μm (50 mils)330 μm (13 mils)432 μm (17 mils)
Typical Water Flow RatemL/min/cm2 at 0.3 bar (30 kPa, 5 psi)64921080
Typical Air Flow RateL/min/cm2 at 0.7 bar (70 kPa, 10 psi)1392621
Maximum Operating TemperatureAir - 550 °C (1,022 °F)Water - 135 °C (275 °F)Water - 135 °C (275 °F)不可用
Typical Aerosol Retention*99.97%


Type A/E Glass Fiber Discs and Sheets, 1 μm
6162813 mm500/pkgCall
6163025 毫米500/pkgCall
6009730 mm100/pkgCall
6165435 mm100/pkgCall
6165237 mm500/pkgCall
6547542.5 mm100/pkgCall
6163147 mm100/pkgCall
6163250 mm100/pkgCall
6014055 mm100/pkgCall
6001257 mm100/pkgCall
6015063 mm100/pkgCall
6166570 mm100/pkgCall
6166376 mm100/pkgCall
6001081 mm100/pkgCall
6012782.5 mm100/pkgCall
6011885 mm100/pkgCall
6166490 mm100/pkgCall
61633102 mm100/pkgCall
60115110 mm100/pkgCall
61655124 mm100/pkgCall
65476125 mm100/pkgCall
61669127 mm100/pkgCall
66559142 mm25/pkgCall
61635142 mm100/pkgCall
61675257 mm100/pkgCall
61636265 mm100/pkgCall
66560293 mm25/pkgCall
61637293 mm100/pkgCall
616388 x 10 in.100/pkg

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